the show goes on alright kitty in the pocket this is not okay its to late baby theres no turning around i got my hands in my pocket and my head in the clouds this is how i do when i think about you i got a closet filled up to the brim Your a chance taker heart breaker got me wrapped around your finger. TELLUM this is the cutest thing, i love when people play with my hair. Walt Whitman Things will never be the same after we graduate cutest stair idea ever gay marraige :) Good girls rarley make history Your carrer wont wake up one day and tell you it doesnt love you anymore.
my name is kimberly, ima senior this year and i couldnt love my life anymore then i do right now. Im probably the most laid back person youll ever meet, i have a one track mind. I love fashion and the night life, i love my friends and im a social butterfly. i live a beautiful life, la bella vida. Call me a hippie i guess, peace love and everything above.